18+ Years
Over 18 Years in Business
Over 272
Storage Units Closed
Over 216 Million
Documents Scanned
Over 28 Thousand
Boxes Securely Stored
Digital Transformation Services
Advanced Scanning
Providing advanced capture and data extraction automation solutions that deliver results
Record Consolidation
We can eliminate your box storage costs and provide easy, secure access to your records online
Document Services
Offering a full range of document imaging solutions to help your business run more efficiently
Digital Mail Automation
By outsourcing your mailroom to ArchiveIT, you can dramatically cut your mail handling costs. All of your critical incoming documents—billing statements, invoices, letters, purchase orders, membership applications, employment applications, insurance appeals, and legal documents—can be electronically converted and sent to your team in a convenient digital format.
Organizations That Trust Our Work

Client Success Stories
ArchiveIT helped us get rid of our file cabinets and create a process for scanning and shredding our documents. We save $500 a month by eliminating box storage. Our escrow officers have instant online access to our files and ArchiveIT manages our retention compliance, so we don’t have to. We comply with the DBO regulations, and we got our lunchroom back!

ArchiveIT scanned and shredded 60 boxes for us, roughly 20+ years of client files. Many files were dog-eared, taped, stapled, and bound, and they prepped and scanned them accurately and loaded into my Virtual File Cabinet on-time for a reasonable cost. I have instant access to all my documents, they are safely firewall-protected, and I feel comforted that my data is secure with ArchiveIT. If you are storing physical records, I highly recommend ArchiveIT as a fast, safe, and cost-effective solution to put them online and reduce record breach liability.

I had 17 years’ worth of closed files in my office and offsite storage facility. It was just too much. ArchiveIT picked up my boxes, scanned the important ones and store the others for a reasonable price. ArchiveIT saved me hundreds of dollars in box storage fees, and I now have full access to all the documents via their virtual file cabinet, VFileCabinet. Thank you ArchiveIT!

We used Iron Mountain to store and shred our documents. Recently, we initiated a "technology refresher," purchased new equipment and realized our Iron Mountain bill kept going up, even though the number of stored boxes was going down. We contacted ArchiveIT, and they helped us exit our contract, purge old files, and reduce our shred and storage bill. We are now nearly paperless, thanks to ArchiveIT. We recommend ArchiveIT!